I had thought I would get at least half done on this particular session but it seems like I didn't get that far. I overestimated when I thought I would get probably one arm done. However, after painstakingly piecing the final parts to the body, I had to take a break. After a half-hour nap, I returned only to have my vision a tad blurry for a few minutes. After a while, that blurriness went away. Still, trying to piece together what I can is taking longer than I anticipated. I suppose this is normal, since I would want to take my time to do this, and to put in the most effort as possible.

With the upper body finally finished, I was anxious to see how it looks when the LED unit was turned on. The compartment that houses the LED unit was very loose and had room to spare. There was also no mechanism for which to turn the LED on and off. So that has to be done manually by opening up the back, turning it on, and closing it up again. It's a bit of a hassle in the long run. But I guess that's a compromise in order to house a LED unit inside of a small model kit.
By itself, the body and head look fine. The only part that may seem off are the eyes. The camera don't pick up the eyes that easily as the other previous models could. That is usually due to the eyes having a reflective foil sticker on it. And when that camera flash shines on it, those eyes really light up. This time is different. Instead of having a foil sticker for the eyes, it has a thin translucent sticker covering the outside part of the eyes. Trying to get those type of sticker on is a lot harder than the foil ones, since the foil stickers are thicker.

Up until now, I have only done rough preview glimpse of how the head will look with the LED turned on. Now that I have the body finished, I can see how it looks for real. I must admit that purchasing the LED for this model is well worth it. Even though there are limited number of parts that can be illuminated, it's still a great sight to have a model light up. Things like this are pretty rare in most conventional means. Usually any model that light up via LED tend to be a custom-built model that the hobbyist crafted themselves. And usually they're on a level far beyond my reach and capabilities. Getting the tools is one thing. Actually doing it using those tools is a whole different story altogether. Okay, sure, Bandai's Perfect Grade models can have LED too. But they are very large and it isn't surprising that they come with them. Those were built with LED in mind. And then there's the cost associated with Perfect Grade models, far more expensive than even the most fanciest Master Grade models to date.
The next session, I will definitely have at least one arm finished. But I am unsure as to how far I will be with the second arm. Or maybe I am overestimating again...